“ReBooT is a Self Healing process... It can help manage more than 90% of the New Age Health issues” - Aashish Nanda.
We work from the belief that unconditional support and love is the most powerful healing and we ourselves are ultimately responsible for our own wellbeing and the right to self contentment. We Believe...
1. We all have intrinsic self healing powers.
2. Healing is addressing the cause... not only the symptoms.
3. We need to go back to the Roots... ReBooT LIFE to Reclaim LIFE.
What is ReBooT?
We are all familiar with the term reboot when it comes to computers. We have all experienced how frustrating it is when the computers hang and no amount of pressing buttons helps… the best of engineers cannot help. We have to simply shut it down and restart it.
So in life, sometimes an area or perhaps more than one goes completely off track and makes you feel bogged down and you just cannot move forward, however many buttons you press. When this is the case, instead of making cosmetic changes, you may have to wipe the slate clean and simply reboot that area of your life.
ReBooT processes
1. The Indian Kitchen. Simple traditional nourishing food.
2. Movement चलनम. Rust proofing life by embracing the eternal flow.
3. प्राण Breath. Liberating blocked pranic energy using breath processes.
4. Mind ध्यान. Correcting thinking errors by using neuroplasticity principles.
ReBooT is a slow process...
ReBooT does not work on a medical model of fixing 'what's wrong'. It works at a deeper level than that, more on the level of what caused that wrong… source than symptom. We call it Acceptance-Heal-Change principle.
Bringing about a change...
A 2010 research conducted by the University College of London concluded it takes 66 days of repetitions to make an activity/suggestion a habit. BUT in the same experiment one person took only 18 days and another one took 260 days, under the same conditions.
STEP 1: 0-22 Days...Tell people what your plan is. Vocalise… Suck them in. Remember it is difficult to disappoint others than it is to disappoint self. This is the time for talk and prepare.
STEP 2: 23-44 days... Look inwards. Make conscious changes. Represent yourself. Self Healing is a work of a lifetime, make sure there is no blame shifting if you hit a roadblock. No finger pointing.
STEP 3: 23-66 days… Keep moving forward. Reward yourself. Accept the change. Be the change...
" I strongly believe around 85% of Mind-Body Health issues can be addressed by simple LIFE changes. "